1a - Brief Introduction To Angular
In the next few sections we will review the main part of Angular. In this first part we will review creating a CLI app and using event and property binding with templates.
The finished code for the next three parts can be found here https://github.com/duncanhunter/workshop-enterprise-angular-applications-with-ngrx-and-nx-cli-only
1. Create a new Angular CLI Project
Make a new workshop folder and generate a new CLI app
Change directory into the new app's directory and open it with VS Code
2. Run the app
Run the below command 's' is short for serve.
Look at output.
3. Review the structure and key files
4. Add a Home page component
Add home page component
Add home component selector to the AppComponent and delete all default HTML except the router outlet.
5. Add a route
6. Event and data binding
Add event and data binding to Home component with a new title property
Add a function to the Home component.
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