9. Create EventListComponent

In this section we will make a EventList presentational component that will show how to use @Input() decorators and pass in data to a child component.

1. Add EventListComponent

  • Add a new presentational component for the event list by running the below command

ng g c event/components/event-list

2. Add @Input for Attendees to the new component

  • Add @Input for attendees being passed in from the parent component.

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { Attendee } from '../../../models';

  selector: 'app-event-list',
  templateUrl: './event-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./event-list.component.scss']
export class EventListComponent {
  attendees: Attendee[];

3. Add property binding to app-event-list component selector

  • Add app-event-list selector to EventComponent template.

  • Add property binding to pass into the child component the attendees.

<app-add-attendee (addAttendee)="addAttendee($event)"></app-add-attendee>
<app-event-list [attendees]="attendees"></app-event-list>

4. ngFor the attendees on the the page

  • Use an Angular's *ngFor to add attendees to the component template by iterating over the attendees array.

  <li *ngFor="let attendee of attendees">{{attendee.name}}</li>
  • Run the app and add some attendees and they should be passed down and displayed by the EventListComponent.

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