In this section we will introduce the course and section slides.
We will look at how to use the Angular CLI to build, scaffold and deploy your angular applications to production.
We will be implementing NgRx actions, reducers, effects, entity adapters, router-store, onPush change detection and a single immutable data structure called the store.
We will look at common patterns for structuring your applications state by feature and how to deal with splitting up related data into multiple reducers. Then will we will look at how to create selectors to combine multiple slices of state from the store.
By the end of this workshop, you will have built a working Angular and NgRx application you can extend into your applications. You will also walk away with the source code and the course material. So join me and bring your laptops to this workshop where you will get to code along as we build and learn to make excellent Angular applications.
Angular CLI
Component architecture with container and presentational components
Services and HTTP
Reactive forms
Redux principle
NgRx store
Store DevTools
NgRx effects
NgRx selectors
NgRx entity state adapter
NgRx router actions and effects
Building and deploying you angular applications
Unit and e2e testing
Prerequisites This workshop is for developers with at least a basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML. You do not need angular v2+ experience to attend this course, but it is recommended to have done at least the beginner's tutorial on or equivalent. This course briefly covers the fundamentals of angular components, services, routing, and modules but moves onto talking about using them with ngrx for the majority of the workshop.
Computer Setup You need to bring your laptop with the below software installed to follow this workshop:
Visual Studio Code
A command line Git client
Node.js (version 8 or later)
Angular CLI (latest version)
If you get stuck, we can help you on the day, but it helps to have this already installed.
Repository for the Demo App
Repository for the gitbook
Last updated